Cool Minimalist Homes Made From Wood That Sync With Nature

Cool Minimalist Homes Made From Wood That Sync With Nature

From the days of rudimentary log houses to today’s modern timber homes, wood has been a favored home building material for centuries. Its earthy appeal, natural look and warm feeling are ideal characteristics to elevate the facade of a minimalist home. The profile of these modern homes is typically angular and sometimes severe, so cladding…

Try a Minimalist Bedroom Design for Less Stress and a Good Night’s Sleep

Try a Minimalist Bedroom Design for Less Stress and a Good Night’s Sleep

If you’ve ever done any serious decluttering — the Marie Kondo method maybe? — you know the sense of accomplishment and calm that comes from creating a well-organized closet or dresser.  That same sense of serenity can be achieved in a room by adopting the same approach. In fact, the prime room for this is…