14 Different Ways To Make Your Own Roman Shades From Scratch

Roman shades are a type of window covering that stands out from other more standard shades through the fact they have a smooth surface when they’re open. They also stack up evenly and form these delicate folds which look lovely on most types of fabric. Surprisingly, there’s not a single type of design for all Roman shades but rather a multitude of them and the best part is that you can actually make your own Roman shades from scratch.

Roman shades are great for the kitchen because you usually want natural light in there but you don’t want the to leave the windows completely bare. You can hang these shades and open then so they cover half the window or less. To find out all the details of the project you can check out thediymommy.

As previously mentioned, you can make your own Roman shades from scratch. It’s actually very easy. You need a few things such as fabric, fabric shears, drapery rings, a board for mounting, liner fabric, an iron, a staple gun, a dowel and a sewing machine. This particular tutorial can be found on diydecormom.

You can also actually turn your old mini blinds into Roman shades. You’ll only be using a few of the pieces, such as the mounting piece at the top and some of the individual blinds. To find out all you need to know about this transformation, check out honestlywtf.

As mentioned before, there are many different types of Roman shades. The differences are in the overall design as well as in the shape the shades take when only partially open. These are relaxed Roman shades. They form a smooth curve at the bottom and they look simple and casual. You can find out more about them on stagg-design.

If you want the look of Roman shades without the functionality, you can make some faux ones. They’re a cute idea for the kitchen because you usually don’t need to put them up and down anyway, not that you could in this case. Check out thediyplaybook to find out how to make faux Roman shades.

There’s also a nice tutorial on homestoriesatoz that you can check out if you want to make faux Roman shades. Since these will actually stay fixed, they’re pretty easy to put together. The most difficult part will be choosing the fabric for your new faux shades.

These Roman shades featured on bowerpowerblog are reversible. What that basically means is that they’re made two different types of fabric so that you can choose between them depending on your preferences. When you get bored of one type of fabric, just switch to the other.

We keep saying that making Roman shades is very easy and that’s true, even if the process may seem a bit complicated at first. Sure, there’s some sewing involved and you’ll have to add a mounting board and the cording so you can actually use the shades but it all makes perfect sense when you follow this tutorial offered on atcharlotteshouse.

What’s really cool about DIY Roman shades is that you can make them in any size and shape that you want which is great, especially if you don’t have standard windows. You can also make similar shades for your doors. Of course, you also have the advantage of picking whatever type of fabric you want for maximum customization. If you like this particular design, be sure to check out wecanmakeanything for details.

Don’t have a sewing machine? No worries, that’s entirely ok because you can still make beautiful Roman shades. There’s a lovely tutorial shared on craftsbyamanda which explains exactly how you can make no sew shades. Spoiler: you’ll need permanent fabric tape for that.

Ever noticed how much the window treatments can change a room? Take these beautiful Roman shades featured on ohohdeco for example. Sure, the windows are small but just look how much cozier this entire space looks now. You can make that happen for your own home and it wouldn’t be that difficult.

Fake Roman shades are pretty cool too and they’re a great idea if you’re not entirely sure you that Roman shades would even suit your home in the first place. You can quickly hang some faux shades to get an idea of how they look like and leave them up there for a while until you make a final decision. Check out one-o for the instructions.

It’s also possible to transform other types of window shades into Roman shades if you like the look. A good example is a project that we found on francoisetmoi. It involves some natural woven shades, a saw, some rubber bands and some cord. The problem here was that the original shades didn’t fit the window so they were cut down to size and adjusted.

Customization is what DIY Roman shades are all about. You get to choose the proportions and dimensions as well as the design and of course the type of fabric that you want to use. Speaking of fabric, you can either go with a pattern that you find interesting or you can paint your own design. It’s a quirky idea that comes from allthingsthrifty.

The post 14 Different Ways To Make Your Own Roman Shades From Scratch appeared first on Home Decorating Trends – Homedit.

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