Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line

Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line 2QUATTRO.ZERO by Falper, redefines the design and thickness references of the bathroom environment, thanks to the 4 mm of its slim basins, to the tops with a drip-catcher profile and 45-degree finishes of each element. It is the first collection to boast such a cure for constructive details even in small furniture. Available in all its configurations with “press and open” handles and with grooved handles; uses LEGRABOX drawers with a soft closing finished with opaque Exclusive Grey as the inside of the furniture.

Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line

Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line 3

Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line 4

Elegant Modern Washbasin Designed With a Unique and Original Line 5

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