A Magical Little House In The Montezuma Jungle
The Green Moon Lodge is a magical little retreat set in the jungle. You can find it in Montezuma (Costa Rica), just three minutes away from the beach. It’s a very charming house unlike anything else you’re ever going to see and the main reason for that is its one-of-a-king design. From a structural point of view, the building is a set of three interconnected domes.

The one at the center which is also the largest contains the entrance and has a huge opening with beautiful welded iron doors created specifically for it. The other two domes feature circular windows with quirky overhangs seamlessly built into the organic design.

In total 1200 blocks were used to build this wonderful house. The blocks were made from a mix of concrete and foam from dish-washing detergent which was poured into handcrafted molds. Getting the foam density just right was definitely a challenge and took some trial and error but it was all worth the effort in the end. The finished house has a ton of character, especially with its green exterior, quirky roofs and all the beautiful artwork inside and out.

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